Empowering Communities: Ascendant Healthcare Partners and the Chickasaw Nation’s Journey to Better Health

At Ascendant Healthcare Partners (AHP), we believe in the power of connection and community engagement to drive meaningful improvements in public health. Our collaboration with the Chickasaw Nation exemplifies how culturally sensitive and community-driven approaches can transform health outcomes. In this blog, we share the story of our partnership with the Chickasaw Nation in developing their Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), highlighting the significant strides made through this collaborative effort.

Understanding the Chickasaw Nation

The Chickasaw Nation is a federally recognized First American nation based in Ada, Oklahoma. It encompasses all or part of 13 counties in south-central Oklahoma, home to over 363,993 residents, including approximately 28,311 who identify as American Indian/Alaskan Native alone and 28,005 who identify as AI/AN in combination with another race. The Chickasaw Nation is committed to preserving its cultural heritage while enhancing the quality of life for its people through innovative public health strategies.

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Process

A Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is an action-oriented strategic plan that addresses priority health issues within a community. The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) recommends the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) framework, which emphasizes community engagement, data-driven decision-making, and cross-sector collaboration.

The Chickasaw Nation’s CHIP was developed through a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), identifying key health issues and unmet needs. The CHIP outlines specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound, inclusive, and equitable (SMARTIE) objectives to address these needs over a three-year period.

Ascendant Healthcare Partners’ Role

Ascendant Healthcare Partners played a pivotal role in facilitating the Chickasaw Nation’s CHIP process. Our support spanned from the initial planning stages to the final implementation, ensuring that the CHIP was inclusive, data-driven, and aligned with national standards. Here’s how we contributed:

Facilitating Community Engagement

We organized multiple community-wide meetings and workshops to gather input from diverse community members, including residents, local organizations, healthcare providers, and tribal leaders. These sessions fostered open dialogue and identified key health issues and shared values essential for developing a responsive and inclusive CHIP. This engagement process fostered a sense of ownership and commitment among community stakeholders.

Supporting Tribal Health Departments

Our expertise in public health policy and strategic planning guided the Chickasaw Nation Health Department to align with national best practices and local needs. Our comprehensive support included data collection and analysis, stakeholder engagement, strategy development, implementation support, and clear communication.

Key Health Priorities and Initiatives

The 2022-2025 CHIP set priorities in three critical areas: chronic disease, behavioral health, and access to and linkages with clinical care. Each of these areas was addressed through targeted strategies and initiatives designed to improve health outcomes for the Chickasaw Nation.

Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are significant health concerns within the Chickasaw Nation. We helped implement programs focused on prevention, early detection, and management of these conditions. For example, the “Empowered Living” clinic was established to address childhood obesity, providing personalized services to help children and their families adopt healthier lifestyles.

Behavioral Health

Behavioral health encompasses mental health and substance abuse disorders. The Chickasaw Nation faces high rates of behavioral health issues, like many tribal communities. We supported initiatives to reduce opioid misuse, increase access to mental health services, and promote positive parenting and youth development programs. The “Define Your Direction” campaign was one such initiative aimed at preventing opioid misuse and providing support for those affected.

Access to and Linkages with Clinical Care

Improving access to healthcare services is crucial for the well-being of the Chickasaw Nation. We assisted in expanding clinical services, including the establishment of new clinics and mobile medical units. These efforts aimed to reduce barriers to care and ensure that all community members could access high-quality healthcare. The Inchokma Mobile Medical Unit, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, brought essential health services to remote and underserved areas.

The Power of Connection

The success of the Chickasaw Nation’s CHIP can be attributed to the power of connection fostered by AHP. By bringing together various stakeholders and aligning their efforts towards common health goals, we created a more cohesive and efficient public health system. This collaborative approach led to significant improvements in health outcomes, including reduced rates of chronic diseases and improved mental health.

The engagement process strengthened community ties and fostered a sense of unity and shared purpose. The Chickasaw Nation’s increased capacity to address health challenges collectively is a testament to the transformative power of community engagement.

Looking Ahead

The implementation of the CHIP has already shown promising results, but our work is far from over. AHP remains committed to supporting the Chickasaw Nation Health Department in monitoring progress, making data-driven adjustments, and engaging the community in ongoing health initiatives. We will continue to expand successful programs, introduce new initiatives based on emerging needs, and ensure that community engagement remains a priority.

At Ascendant Healthcare Partners, we are proud of our role in transforming community health in the Chickasaw Nation. This success story underscores our belief that effective public health strategies start with meaningful connections and community involvement. By working together, we can achieve impactful and sustainable health outcomes.

For more information about our work and how we can help your community, visit our website or contact us today. Let’s continue to make a difference, one connection at a time.

Discover more about our impactful public health strategies and how we can help your community, visit our website https://www.ascendanthp.com/