Ongoing Community Support Services


Individualized support for health department leaders to develop new skills and lead more effectively. Facilitating transition. Expert guidance in performance improvement and accreditation from a national mentor who will coach you to execute your project or program for maximum impact.

Public Health Accreditation Preparedness coaching will provide comprehensive technical assistance (TA) to tribal and local health departments, such as:

​Partnership (Annual)

  • 2-full day intensive, in-person (or via Zoom)
  • 12 monthly 1-hour phone sessions
  • Full material review and a feedback session
  • Access via e-mail and text (during business hours)
  • Receive personal attention and expert guidance from a national mentor who will coach you to execute your project.
  • Positively impact your community and transform more lives than ever before as your influence and reach expand along with your knowledge and team.

​Intensive Interaction (Monthly)

  • 1 full day private intensive, in-person (or via Zoom)

  • 4 weekly 1-hour phone sessions
  • Full material review + feedback
  • Receive personal attention and expert guidance from a national mentor who will coach you to execute your project.

  • Positively impact your community and transform more lives than ever before as your influence and reach expand along with your knowledge and team.


  • Half-day (4 hours) private discussion
  • Two (2), 1-hour phone sessions

Our Methodology

At Ascendant Healthcare Partners, we offer a range of individualized support designed to empower health department leaders and enhance the effectiveness of community health initiatives. 

With over 25 years of experience, we specialize in developing strategic plans that address the unique needs of each community and drive meaningful improvements in health outcomes. 

Gain expert guidance in performance improvement and accreditation from a national mentor who will advise you in executing your project or program for maximum impact.

  • Public Health Accreditation Preparedness coaching will provide comprehensive technical assistance (TA) to tribal, local, and state health departments.
  • Documentation Review, Recommendations, and Development
  • Accreditation Road-Mapping
community support services
ongoing support services data trends

Our Services

Tracking Community Trends

Keep your finger on the pulse of your community’s rising trends with regular and updated data. Understand evolving health dynamics, make informed decisions, and implement interventions that align with the current needs of your population. 

Adapting to New Initiatives

Our subscription services allow you to stay abreast of new public health initiatives and gain insights into emerging health challenges. They facilitate proactive planning and implementation strategies that effectively respond to the dynamic landscape of community health.

Supporting Existing Plans

You’ve worked hard to develop plans and initiatives. Now, it’s time to receive reinforcement through ongoing community support programs. Through personalized data analysis, Ascendent Healthcare Partners can provide insight into revisions for your CHNA, CHIP, Strategic Plan, and Health Equity Plan.

Strengthening Annual Reports

Personalized data enhances your CHIP and Strategic Plan annual reports. Not only does it provide stakeholders, local authorities, and funding bodies with a clear understanding of your community’s health, but this level of accurate, detailed information also enhances your credibility. We are here to support your success.

Empowering Informed Decision-Making

Our annual service plan allows you to maintain direct access to personalized data through ongoing community support services, which, in turn, helps you make more informed decisions. Data that will be a guiding light in your journey towards community well-being. Whether you need to adjust existing programs, identify emerging trends, or align with state-level initiatives, we are here to help.

Ensuring Long-Term Success

As your partners in healthcare, we are here to ensure your long-term success. We are here to ensure your initiatives align with your community’s dynamic needs, fostering adaptability and resilience in the face of new challenges

ongoing support services annual reports

At Ascendant Healthcare Partners, we believe in providing comprehensive support services to empower health department leaders and enhance the effectiveness of community health initiatives. Our coaching options are designed to offer both strategic guidance and ongoing support to ensure long-term success.

Our coaching packages are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients and their communities. We offer three comprehensive packages designed to provide strategic guidance and continuous support for long-term success:

Community Insight Partnership (Annual)

Our Community Insight Partnership is a comprehensive annual support service aimed at providing invaluable insights and guidance for driving sustainable improvements in community health. This package includes:

  • Two full-day intensive, in-person (or via Zoom) sessions
  • Monthly 1-hour phone sessions
  • Full material review and feedback sessions
  • Access via email and text (during business hours)
  • Personalized attention and expert guidance from a nationally certified mentor
  • Positive impact on your community as your influence expands with enhanced knowledge and team collaboration.
  • In addition to coaching, you will receive ongoing support services such as tracking community trends, adapting to new initiatives, supporting existing plans, strengthening annual reports, empowering informed decision-making, and ensuring long-term success.
chna consultation appointment
community support network

Community Strategy Intensive (Monthly)

Our Community Strategy Intensive package provides focused, monthly support to amplify your strategic planning and implementation efforts. With this option, you will receive:

  • One full day of private intensive, in-person (or via Zoom) sessions
  • Four weekly 1-hour phone sessions
  • Full material review and feedback sessions
  • Access via email and text (during business hours)
  • Personalized attention and expert guidance from a national mentor
  • Positive impact on your community through informed decision-making and strategic alignment.
  • Similar to our annual partnership, this option includes ongoing support services tailored to meet your community’s evolving needs.

Community Project Advisory

Our Community Project Advisory service serves clients needing targeted “one-time” or “as-needed” assistance for specific projects or initiatives. With this offering, you will receive:

  • Half-day (4 hours) private discussions
  • Two (2) 1-hour phone sessions
  • Full material review and feedback sessions
  • Access via email and text (during business hours)
  • Personalized attention and expert guidance from a national mentor
  • Tailored support for accreditation road-mapping, documentation review, strategic planning, Health Equity Plan (HEP) training, or technical assistance (TA)

At Ascendant Healthcare Partners, our Community Support Systems are designed to empower health department leaders to drive sustained success in community health initiatives. With personalized guidance, expert support, and commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to helping you positively impact your community’s health and well-being.

community support systems


Our mission is to assist local health departments and officials in creating sustainable, community-driven change that empowers individuals, organizations, and communities to improve their health and well-being.  

Our community support programs are designed to meet your community where they are. With their different package tiers, Ascendant Healthcare Partners ensures we offer you the unique support and guidance you need to implement sustainable healthcare initiatives.

Our ongoing support packages are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients and their communities. We offer three comprehensive package options designed to provide strategic guidance and continuous support for long-term success. Each package includes personalized attention from a national mentor, access to our team via email and text, and ongoing support services aligned with your community’s needs. 

Whether you choose our Community Insight Partnership, Community Strategy Intensive, or Community Project Advisory, you can expect valuable insights, guidance, and support to drive sustainable improvements in community health outcomes.

Schedule a Discovery Call with us to learn which of our Ongoing Community Support systems might be right for you! We can walk you through each of our community support programs and help you identify which offer might be right for you! 

Schedule an Imperson or Virtual
Appointment Today